Remember we will experience problems and many times churches are not equipped to minister effectively or even understand some of our problems with our past life outside of Christ or our struggles whilst serving Christ. You will come across people who can have a cut and dry answer “that it’s all in the Word” “you will get fixed up if you read and study your Bible” "öh no thats what you used to be, its all under the blood."
Angry at their ignorance or solutions like “go and witness” “do something for someone else” “sow a seed” “get on your knees” “stop your introspection” “don’t focus on the problem” “get into the Word” "just obey the Word" “join a house or cell or men’s or woman’s group” "just do a Bible study or a sixty day course and you will never desire same sex attraction ever again" only buries anger and keeps anger bottled to surface again.
The ‘good Christian’ does not realize or understand struggling people, sexual brokenness or homosexuality. They neither understand we have psychological problems, different temperaments or are in need of on going healing of painful memories, trauma, rejection and abandonment, have buried hurts, the product of parental mistakes are bound in strongholds of attitude character and suffer personality disfunction and fragmentation.
But you and I know that any internal problems that have caused our homosexuality need to be changed and contary to some beliefs identifying the spirits that fortify homosexuality evicted of their legal rights of tenancy. All this needs to be sought and need to be prayed about to be brought to the light so as He can pin point the roots and the off shoots cut off so we can walk more in the change and newness of life in Christ Jesus.
God, Jesus and Holy Ghost understand us when others don’t or others may never. Angry at others inadequacies will only nurture anger than set us free from its destructive and snowballing force. Anger can cause us to go into a cave or into an unsanctified flight cycle and will temp us to act out or desire to return to our former past either in thought or words or actions.
But the truth is, we have enough defects of character and brokenness to deal with and we do not want to be guilty of wanting to change those who do not understand us that our little world is full of compatible and understanding people who are all for our plight!!!
Be blessed and be a blessing
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Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts