I like many of us will truly come to a place in our walk that we are confronted to ask ourselves are we willing to go the distance? We will be confronted with this question when temptation could be or is getting a grip on us or has got a grip on us that we may take the next step.
This week I read a woman's Facebook share written by John Bazemore Jr on "Adultery Of The Mind" and it reads as follows:
"ADULTERY OF THE MIND.... Be careful that your mind don't take you, where your character can't keep you. It's the battlefield of the mind where most of us succumb to our weaknesses. It is where compromise is justified, and we live out fantasies without actually performing them physically. It is where immorality begins, and where the enemy traps us. That is why we are admonished to BRING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERY THOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST. Once you've lived the act in your mind, your body is soon to follow. Looking at someone and lusting after them in your heart, is as if you have committed the act. If you're going to park your mind, park it in Philippians 4:8!!" 1. [fb: Shushila Christiansen, 2012]
What spoke to me in this post was "Be careful that your mind don't take you, where your character can't keep you." Why? Because I've been spiritually fighting off and to add I've been entertaining their tempting thoughts of late. But I see it is my character that is keeping me from fully yeilding to them and or letting them rule. Also I am not making an opportunity in the natural to bring the thoughts to pass or am I or even do I want to lay a fleece to determine if what seems to be true is actually really true.
For if it is true and I make it obvious that I am willing then I believe in my heart that I am not a Godly woman, that I am not a committed woman of God and I would not really be His true Disciple. Further if I did act out I would have compromised to back slide, I would of resisted being whole, I would have refused abiding in the vine to bear much fruit and I would have refused to allow Him to continue to sanctify me.
Truth is in my heart I do want Jesus and life with Him and with all He Is and I want His Life, Love and anointing(s). I know there is no good thing that dwells in me with the lust that dwells in me (Rom. 7:23; Gal. 5:17); I know it is the base nature that wants homosexual lust, it wants to come to life today and it will no doubt want to live and come to life again some time in the future, and when circumstances are conducive for the enemy to start an attack and assult on my senses, and me to want to escape or hide in these pleasures of fantasy dished out at me.
I also know of late my circumstances - issues/pain/troubles ect are conducive for the enemy to bring their witchcraft false love and supernatural sexual desire against me and I discern it against this other woman (they don't know what is hitting them and its quiet a strong power, but when this supernatural love nectar wares off they/you will come back to their senses - so do not take advantage of it they're not truly in their right mind neither are you!) to join us by their sorcery and love magic and I realize this will be an ongoing strategy until I'm past my "use by date" in hope they can get to "take me out." (When you sense and or discern this YOU HAVE TO STRAIGHT AWAY address them and say "devil I resist your desires, desist your moves in Jesus Name; Jesus be strong in the strength of Your might and deliver me from evil.")
But I also have to admit that I myself may want to take ahold of homosexual lust and run with it out of my base lust of the flesh that lusts against the life of The Spirit; especially in times pain, brokenness or maybe I may out of flat out rebellion or whatever until I have truly chosen in these times of pain to no longer entertain spirits who have seen an opportunity that they can bring forth the fantasy of homosexual lust.
I have to straightforth cast down their imaginations and to straighforth flog them - set warfare against them for bringing desire and works to my mind instead of listening. I can confess I've never gone into fantasy by my own imaginations myself, it has been by listening to the works of darkness against my mind but yes I have listen and entertained them and allowed my soul to marry up with the lust thereof.
Anyway when the rubber hits the road this test, this temptation reveals to me that I've truly chosen Jesus, I have in the natural truly chosen His life by staying honest with Him, inviting Him into it, resisting the devils assaults, my flesh and by politely resisting her and by warfaring against their works. Am I guilty in my mind? Yes, yes I confess I am. Is she desirable? Yes, but what is important to me is my actions speak louder than their thoughts to what I allowed to marry up with my imaginations.
For I can say I have had many an opportunity to make a move or put out a fleece of suggestion (she runs a risk of exposure), but I have always resisted as I realize homosexual lust will always be a weakness and one I can never again physically yeild to and or let come to life again. Then I know the enemies lies and destruction will ensnare me in many many ways and they'll win and I know they want my destruction! In the spirit of my mind I have seen a very beautiful woman then she turns into a black dark ugly creepy image and I hear this "one way or another I will get you."
I also know His Word and His judgements will be more than I will to bear and this is only one "adultry I will judge" (Heb. 13:4); then to add I don't want the remorse and lets face it she is not in Blood Covenant her life will go on - mine won't so to speak and I would be diliberating transgressing His laws. Thus, I do not want to be guilty of trampling the blood of Jesus under foot (Heb. 10:29) or a probability of losing my salvation (1 Cor. 6:9) just over a sexual lust encounter that can go no where; let alone ruin my testimony or the loss of my ministry and the truth is I am nothing without Him and all that I have is all that He's given me.
Therefore Jesus wins for I will chose life and life with Him now and with the expectation of life ever after with Him to "receive the crown of life which the Lord promised to the ones loving Him" (James 1:12).
I pray my openness is a blessings and be blessed with Study 2 that you too in your hour of temptation recall the contents of these teachings so that you remain a Disciple and not be found unfaithful or denying Christ your Redeemer and Restorer.
There is a cost to discipleship - that cost is OBEDIENCE
The disciple should be willing to pay the price of obedience!
"These people come near to me with their mouth and honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up of rules taught by men." Isaiah 29:13
(Following religious instructions, attending services, doing good works fall into this category)
"Not every one who says to me, 'Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven." Matthew 7:21
The aim of salvation is to restore us to obedience, to bring us back from going our own way. It is not enough to profess faith and service - we must do it!
See the parable of the two sons in Matt.21:28-32 one paid lip-service, the other refused at first but afterward repented and obeyed.
We will never be required to do anything beyond that which with His enabling, we will be able to undertake.
"There has no temptation (trial) taken you but such as is common to man. But God is faithful who will not suffer (allow) you to be tempted above that which you are able. But will with the temptation make a way of escape (a way to overcome) that you may be able to bear it." 1 Corinthians 10:13
Y'shua our example, was obedient unto death to secure our salvation. He learnt obedience through the trials He endured - through suffering, i.e. submitting under difficult circumstances and finally, the death of the Cross.
"But we see Y'shua, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, that he by the grace of God may taste death for every man". Hebrews 2:9
His obedience OBTAINED our salvation!
Our obedience APPROPRIATES our salvation!
"As they were going along the road a man said to him, 'I will follow you wherever you go.' And Y'shua said to him, 'Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head." Luke 9:57-58
This man had a problem with commitment He volunteered to follow Y'shua, but his offer was not one of wholehearted commitment, it was an impulse of the moment. He was caught up in the excitement and made an emotional response without realising what it would involve. Y'shua did not invite Him to follow Him or rebuke him, He just explained what was involved in discipleship, that it was a commitment!
The man said that he would follow Y'shua wherever He went and Y'shua said in reply that He didn't have anywhere in particular to go. He was committed to follow the Father wherever that would be. The excitement of the hour, the miraculous, the approval of the crowds through meeting the needs of the people are not sufficient to
carry through to the self-denial of the way.
The man had his own concepts of discipleship and what it meant, which was according to his own desires. His enthusiasm and zeal was self-orientated.
Discipleship is a personal and total commitment to Y'shua our Messiah!
Are we willing to trust Him wherever He calls us to go and..... whatever He calls us to do?
"To another He said, 'Follow me,' but he said, 'Lord, let me first go and bury my father.' But he said to him, 'Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Luke 9:59-60
This man had a problem with priority!
In Jewish tradition it was the elder son's responsibility to bury the father. Most probably he was the eldest son, but it is unlikely that his father was already dead. More likely he was considering his future responsibilities, otherwise he would not have been out in the crowd following Y'shua.
He felt he could not leave his elderly father until his obligations were completed and he had fulfilled his duties. His problem then was putting other duties before a commitment to God which should have had first priority. His problem then was putting
something else before God which caused him to be disobedient to the direct call of our Lord, Y'shua the Messiah.
When we put other things before Yahweh they will stumble us in our walk!
Notice! The man did not offer to follow, Y'shua picked him out and called him to follow Him. This required him to set aside aside his own plans and become committed to do His.
The Spirit of God will often call us at a time when it cuts across our plans and desires to test our obedience.
Take for example when Y'shua called His disciples from their occupation working on their nets, "They IMMEDIATELY left their nets and followed him." Matthew 4:20
Abraham is another example, he was willing to give up his only son at the call of Yahweh.
"Seek you first the kingdom of God and his righteousness ......" Matt.6:33
1. The timing of the call God's call is always at the right time, it will seem inconvenient if we are motivated by personal priorities and are centred on our own plans.
The clarity of the call His call was specific and clear. He will always cause us to understand what He requires of us and wants us to do.
The Suitability of the call Y'shua personally addressed him wi
Be blessed and be a blessing
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Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts
1. Hammond G. Excuses Against Discipleship Study 4 - Cost of Discipleship [Bethel Ministries P.O. Box 2291 Toowoomba Qld 4352, 2012]