Allow Him To Train Your Hands To War
There will come many battles so this will give you opportunities to learn to operate in warfare in a new level. When sexual sin structures have been heart fully repented and stopped in the flesh you can guarantee the spirits will bring back temptation at whatever cost to them. It may be straight forth or months later and you can be guaranteed they will years later. Don't be caught unaware for it may be in your weakest or darkest hour, therefore you come to the place of staying faithful to your Husband and Maker regardless of your pain or your circumstances. Also you will have to learn how to warfare in The Spirit for it is only by His Power by His breath will they be scattered and put to flight.
Spirits no matter if they are in and over your life or what name, title or rank have souls like us with emotions and feelings and they feel pain on their spiritual bodies. So in warfare you can put judgment on them for "this is an honor of all the saints to execute these judgments" (Psm 149:9). One judgment is they can be sore vexed (Psm 2:4-5, 6:7-10, 18:37) another they can be confounded and consumed (Psm 40:14, 71:13) another brought to mental confusion (Psm 35:4, 108:13, 109:29) these will certainly make them desist their moves and or back down from bombarding your mind with sexual desire.
Let The Holy Spirit teach you how to warfare in puriety of The Spirit; that is in His utterance, Him speaking in your language executing the judgments. But you have to know your weapons this is where you have to learn what they are for you will need to in prayer first request what you would like to be put against them.
For example: Father I ask that you confound and consume these spirits that are bringing lust, fantasy and memories of homosexuality against me and at every onset let them be sore vexed.
If He agrees and He will, but He may just want to have them sore vexed so you yeild as if you are going to speak in His heavenly language but He will in english say something like Father in the power and authority of the Name of Jesus I command against the spirits bringing homosexual lust and fantasy that they be confounded and consummed and sore vexed at each onset and I loose Your waring angel to carry out these commands and let this be operative all this day, Amen.
At each onset you just take your thoughts captive, realize He is The Warrior and He is hitting them hard and leave it to Him, it will disipate and you now just get on with your day and enjoy your night.
When we let Him give the judgments then no harm will come upon us "I give you power and authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and then no harm will come upon you." Warfare can be so ineffective when it is done in our steam, or in our authority as Kath the Christian. Why because "Be made strong in the strength of His might" If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God" "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me" "God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power" "the manifestation of the Spirit is given ... kinds of tongues" "the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly but powerful to God to pull down" "the greatness of His power towards us."
Father I surrender my hands to learn how to war, lead me to the Psalms to show me the judgments written, teach me how to enforce Your Covenant warfare against the works of darkness, equip me with various weapon so I may be Spiritually effective in my warfare.
In Jesus Name Amen
Be blessed and be a blessing
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Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts