Salvation Prayer
"We all need the power of salvation daily to stop the sinful nature doing its own thing, or to stop it sinning. And we all need the power of salvation to heal us from the repercussions of the sins done against us, and our own past sins. Then next to outwork the new change of heart and attitude or lifestyle we will live by.
If you are reading this handbook and do not know the Lord Jesus Christ, would you today come into the family of God to commit your life to be a Christian? Or perhaps you are backslidden and would like to recommit your life?
Would you like to confess and acknowledge you have sinned by being your own goddess or god by living your life without God The Father and Jesus Christ as your God and His Power of Salvation?
If so pray the following prayer on the next page to commit and or recommit your life.
Heavenly Father,
I know I am a sinner and I have been living my life without you as my God and I have even turned away from you being my God. I come to you now personally through Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness and salvation.
I believe Jesus Christ died on the cross and took the penalty for my sins and I know I am a sinner. I believe He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and now offers me power over my sinful nature.
I want to recommit my life – I want to commit my life to you today to live as a Christian, I choose to turn form running my own life and ask you to help me live my life with You and for You. Help me with all the sinful ways I’m caught up in.
Help me to go to a Church you know will suit me. Help me to read my Bible, study my Bible, join a group to fellowship and increase my knowledge about You and how I am to live as one chosen by you and set apart for a plan and purpose you have for me. Help me to pray to You, help me to follow on in Baptism as You did in the river at Jordan.
Thank you that now I have received Your Spirit of adoption and I am now a part of your family, I am now your child.
In Jesus Name I pray Amen."
Rejection is one of the root causes of homosexuality, rejection in the womb rejection at birth rejection from self rejection from peers rejection from siblings and you would have others that are personal to add here.
Be blessed and be a blessing
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Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts