This blog is what I experienced in my early years of Christianity and just to make note this December it will be seventeen years since I left the homosexual lifestyle. I see many blogs gets shared around more if they are written personally. I cannot say it is my inner most style that I prefer to do or do I want to adapt to writing like the others for that will only cause me to struggle or drag up the dead past and not be true to myself my intellect and to where Jesus has raised/ matured me to enable me to train and teach.
I guess what I am saying is I prefer theology and biblical teaching and exposing spirits of darkness than identifying personal struggles or digging up the past to teach and train and edify and encourage.
However, I know I am called to close doors in peoples lives not to leave them open. Or to change my beliefs on the demonic associated to homosexuality just for notoriety fame or fortune. Either am I to stop proclaiming truth in case it offends believers or denominations who do not hold the doctrinal truths I do, this is something I can not yeild to .
I am a warrior and I have been trained for years and years to war against powers and principalities and spiritual wickedness; and I am not about to sell my soul or alter what I believe He has called me to teach and proclaim just out of fear of man/woman or to fit in with the in crowd, let alone join ranks with darkness - I hate them.
We all know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood and we know we have an adversary who will to put and keep our brothers and sisters in captivity with their schemes. So if I say that homosexualility is just carnal then I have denied the full gospel of Jesus Christ and go against truth I have proven over and over and over again through the study of The Word.
Anyway I am sure the following will bless you it was a pit I fell into and I wrote so that it would not be one you fell into in your transformation from the old you to the new identity in Christ.
..... I believe for us to overcome we will all have to in the strength of The Lord;
To die daily to self
Put on Christ ...
To remain in The Faith
To allow Him to live through us ...
Resist in His strength His utterance
To enter into fellowship and honest open relationship with Him and The Holy Ghost ...
To even change your style of clothing, not hang with old ‘pals,’ maybe sell or change or store under the house or in storage your furnishings, garden arts, household arts, bed linens, photos, furniture or maybe moving house or having a change of car.
This is only recommended if discerned in The Spirit, at His will. But know that you know that your know it is His will, as the enemy can lead us down the garden path and bring devastation that should never of been brought upon us because we are/were vulnerable and undiscerning and lacking knowledge.
These things may need to occur until the‘real’ you and ‘healed’ you has come forth. Then you see what you may want to take out of storage and you will see you were that personality type anyway –you were an arty creative type person after all and did not need to refurnish your house to look like a ‘conservative norm.’
It is wiser to store than impulsively sell everything or burn photos or burn this or that or sell this or that or move here or there. Of course we have to burn things associated with false religions and the occult and witchcraft practices, but with other things not sure of seek Jesus and when you know that you know that you know that you know from the Holy Spirit burn the ‘this’ or ‘that’ sell the ‘this’ or ‘that’ ‘throw the this or that’ ‘move there or stay where you are’ then do so.
Desperately wanting deliverance from my past and being ‘green’ in the faith I was not knowledgeable enough to store my personal things. I had been receiving counsel and deliverance of spirits from an older woman and older in the faith, so I trusted and trusted her. One day after ministry we walked down my eight stairs that housed different types of potted old kettles on each step, and she said this: “All this stuff has to go, this eccentric you has to go.”
As she looked at the stairs she looked at the garden that was filled with my creative touch. Wagon wheels, herb beds of steel wheels, old beat up Cyclops bikes in circles of steel herb gardens, old plows and a beautiful creative round thirty centimeters deep steel wheel herb garden. A centerpiece created in cake slices of pieces of steel from old wood and gas stoves. So I thought she knew best and I desperately wanted deliverance from tormenting demons and my past, so what I could not sell it went for scrap metal.
Years later and to date that person who created designed that was the ‘real’ self, the artistic creative me. All I had to do was store all that until I discerned by my own heart and by The Spirit to put it back. It is good or it is far better to involve Him because when we think we know best, it could be quiet possible we don’t or are not yet ready.
So not knowing I could of put it back in the garden and or would of got to being stable enough to say no I, no I have decided to no longer want that part of my life in my life anymore I was at a loss regretting my loss. Resentful and devastated in heart and angry, so angry that I had been told ‘this eccentric you has to go with all her art’ when I realized that was the real me at the core.
Sometimes it’s only for a season to put stuff away to release the memories of our past and or transcend past the memories of our past.
Some say you have to throw away or burn photos as they give demons legal doorways. “… but just as dangerous spiritually is the ownership of photos and mementos which recall to mind former lustful relationships which were formed in the world, outside of God’s will. By the ownership of such things agreement with the spirits which formerly moved through them is reached. The command is to separate from the ungodly past and to reckon it as dead and gone (Romans 6:2). Only really cleaning house will bring lasting relief from such wicked spirits which trouble Christian marriages and distract with floods of obscene thoughts.” 9.[Worley, 1996:8]
There is an agreement there with darkness, but after a season they lose their grounds when we are renewed, so I disagree. Jesus knows the heart and is able to contend against any spirit on those grounds. I am not going back to the lifestyle of homosexuality and in my heart I would like my photos of sixteen years of my life back, another regretful loss. I cannot just erase sixteen years and pretend it never existed “reckon it as dead and gone”, but I was advised to burn the photos and I did.
My heart and my personality is in need of healing more than photos of my past. I live in the house we both lived in together, and The Lord has not required me to move or sell it or burn it! As a woman thinks in her heart so she is and to the pure all things are pure. I have prayed for cleansing and the lifting off of curses over the house and a beautiful silky oak antique dinning table and chairs I have kept. There are things from that time in my life I still have that bring no memories back and no desire to go back to that way of lifestyle. I’m bond-slaved to Jesus; I choose life, the Christ life, I've made my mind up I am not returning to homosexuality - so do you.
So again I do not advice you to burn your photos; store them until you have made the transit from the old to the new in the heart; also, until you are fully committed to a lifestyle of Christianity and or living for Jesus in your ‘healed’ state and stable state.
And remember, the nest of spirits connected to homosexuality takes some time to uproot anyway; many are bonded in us to the cords of our iniquity structures and buried in our personality. We need a new mother board, re chipping, re programming, renewing by the washing of the Word and the practice of living by The Word; from the old to become the new and it does not happen over night. We have many learning curves to go through much warfare and much self realization to discern and renew.
So wait then, being knowledgeable enough to decide out of yourself to keep photos, or throw them away or to give them to someone, or to cut ‘the them’ out and not keep the other person(s) you can choose this in time and you may will to want to throw away or not throw away when you can see clearly and are stable.
The principle of being devastated or destroyed by lack of knowledge applies in various arenas of life. As we mature in the faith we do discern the Holy Spirit’s movements. We know His impressions from our own thoughts in our mind and we know His impressions from the demons thoughts on and projected over our mind and we know our own thoughts.
The good news is homosexuals are not born, but many of the listed above circumstances and many other circumstances ‘made us that way’ or ‘caused us to go that way.’ I realize there are various studies done on the brain revealing chemical causations, testosterone levels that cause homosexuality in men and women but this is not my field of revelation and as yet I have not read any evidence that definitely reveals that homosexuality is genetic.
But I do know Biblically Jesus can deliver and change us, He created us then He can if the medical findings are true heal and change any chemical imbalance and balance testosterone in both men and women.
Environmental and demonic spiritual causations have to be considered in discerning why some of us are or were bound in homosexuality. I cannot agree there is a natural predisposition to homosexuality when I have such knowledge of demons, curses and the way we treat each other or do not treat each other that seed a root to growth that brings forth a tree of homosexuality and its fruits.
His will now is to guide us in discernment and counsel for restoration, wholeness and total healing through His paths of righteousness. And His paths of righteousness are not just “thou shall not be a homosexual,” or “thou shall not masturbate” and “thou shall obey My commandments or else.”
We have heard this in church over and over again that “legalism cannot stop immorality, laying down the law just heightens the temptation, stimulates the desire to do so and to take the forbidden fruit.” He knows all the fruits of the root of these sexual sins. Then once He has given us the discernment He will give us a new heart. His ways in which to walk in and the power to keep these sexual sin structures dead and a heart for those changes to no longer even want to be that way and a heart of love to love Him, serve Him and stay with Him.
“He restores my soul; He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3
The gift of Spiritual discernment needs to be operative in us to bring about continued restoration, to get from the fruits to pull up the root(s). We need His enlightenment to discern why the cords of sexual sin have bound us or why we backslide to them. This gift of discernment needs to be sought daily and consciously we intertwine with the gift to lay the axe to the roots to have the root(s) removed and the seeds that gave the root its life.
Be blessed and be a blessing
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Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts