Do Not Be Troubled
Jesus is compassionate, merciful and understanding of our weakness' and He knows why we fall into the deception of the mind and why we get caught in nets the enemy lays. He knows that when we are ignorance of Him His ways and His Truth we remain the same with no progressive depth of healing or transformation.
Coming out of a past sinful lifestyle you will be bonded to many iniquities and these take time to demolish. Remember this sinful nature had never been reigned for a walk of holiness so it still has some life; therefore do not get discouraged if you still seem to struggle with same sex attraction because it will take many years to bring to death the old sinful self.
He knows why you became that way, He is not expecting you to never think that way again or stop struggling with this over night. He knows the depth of the causations and transgressions that fortified a stronghold of homosexuality and He knows the spiritual cob web that cemented it all together. He knows you and why so lighten up!
So do not be troubled if your mind still wanders to your past it is just an indication that there are deeper roots that need to be uprooted and more healing and transformation and discipleship to take place. This does not mean you might as well return to your former lifestyle or check out your ex, it means to rest in Him in His ability to cause you to press in and seek Him and His ways and His way out. It also does not mean you are not being healed or that healing is not possible recall the old you took many years of building up strongholds so it will take many - many years to demolish.
Blood Covenant gives power to overcome and He imparts Himself and He is a Kind and Loving God and very Understanding. Keep going to Him He has the provision out of all things, go to Him for understanding and stay real and honest. His Love is Loyal and He is Faithful to His Word and He is Merciful to address any work of darkness that is pressing against you and any voice that is pretending to be you - take it captive and He will bow it down.
If the voices are persistent raise your hand in authority like a police man stopping a car and say "take it up with Jesus, and Jesus sore vex them every time they make mention of homosexual lust and I deliver them to you this day." Then each time you discern their thoughts against your mind take it captive and move on with whatever you are doing, let Him war for you, you have a day to enjoy and a God who imparts Himself in you to enjoy your day.
Embrace Him, pray to stay faithful, He will do a work of change; hang in there it is a growing experience with Jesus and it is a growing experience learning to live by His ways and His will and to stay walking in The Spirit that the lust of your flesh has less opportunity to rule and go its own way.
Love Kathleen
This link above will teach you how to warfare for you have to learn to shut them up. There are many reasons why they do not give in or give up and still come against your mind they do mine, even after 18 years of walking with Jesus Christ.
They do bow down and they do give in and give up and you do get hours, days and weeks of peace. If they have no consequence for their onsets they will hit against your mind. Enforce covenant, as there are many times that we do have to possess the land; it is not always a sovereign work of The Spirit of Christ Jesus, we are co-heirs, partners in Christ.
Be blessed and be a blessing
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