Give Myself Away
Any unregenerate flesh left to its own lordship does not want to be told what to do or anyone to tell it what to do neither does it want to have reigns placed on it to conform to righteous living and neither can it understand. But we having received The Holy Spirit are able to now intertwine in Him to be brought forth out of all its death, step by step, hour by hour, day by day.
Surrendering our bodies as a living sacrifice and our bodies as an instrument of righteousness to consciously die to self and the lusts thereof or the lusts thereof will want to take back lordship. Jesus said unless a grain of wheat fall to the ground it cannot live and He said unless we die we cannot live, He must increase and we must decrease that it is more of Him and less of our old self so we can be birthed into the new self.
But this is a process, sanctification happens not over night but over many many many years of teaching, training and learning and relearning. Wheat falls to the ground dies off to be able to produce new life we also have to go through the process of dieing off before new life takes root and we start to produce fruits of righteousness.
A life of The Spirit is cultivated, and daily He will teach us and work within us according to our individuality as we give ourselves away; give away every part of ourselves not just to be used or seen or heard but to overcome our faults and flaws that keep us bonded to the old identity therefore we give away every aspect of our lives. I know stuff gets in the way of dieing to live, some days we want to hide, sleep, cop out or turn within or even indulge in fleshly pleasures because its all too much, just too hard, too painful a process.
I know years of hurts and wrong choices, being sinned against or whatever struggle we have to why we are fragmented we get bound in the self life and we walk after the things of the flesh than The Spirit and thats ok thats a natural and normal experience. But this does not mean we should cease to aspire to a lifestyle of cultivating a day-by-day transition of walking out from under the me the carnal persons reality and desires into the spiritual persons reality and desires.
This song "take my hand take my life as a living sacrifice, I give myself away that You may use me" is moving and anointed, be blessed.
Father, I give myself away, give myself as a living sacrifice not just to be used by You but to be brought forth from the old to the new. I give myself away that I might die to the old and live to the new and produce fruits of righteousness. Counsel me when I am awake and when I am asleep for the rest of the days of my life so that I desire to cultivate a day-to-day transition of walking out from under the me, the old me into the spiritual me the new me I give my self away.
In Jesus Name Amen Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts
Be blessed and be a blessing
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