Insecurity speaks of lack, lack of self confidence, lack of belief in oneself and ability, and to add mistrust in His enabling and transforming power into His image. Insecurity causes us to be emotionally shaken and easily tossed to and fro from emotion to emotion. Insecurity causes us to see others people's faults before our own and we will blame them for our respones to then look inward to self to eat rotten fruits.
As we continue to be renewed in our mind and receive the revelations of our identity, security and position in Christ and understand why we are what we are, why we behave and react the way we do He will be able to pinpoint to us these sin structures and they will be brought to death by the power and presence and workings of The Spirit.
As we understand ourselves more we give opportunity for The Spirit of Christ Jesus to change our lives, we also lesson the warfare in our soul and see our adversary for who they are, therefore this lessons the obstacles that hinder us from becoming all He has called and predestined us to become.
Be blessed and be a blessing
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