"I am honoured to share at this powerful website. I have a strong and passionate belief concerning The Gay Christian and the Apostate Christian who embraces gays and encourages them to continue in their gay lifestyle without the need to repent- thus, not allowing them to experience a redemptive relationship with Jesus Christ. Christians are supposed to minister in the Love of Jesus Christ but if "Christians" are not sharing the need for gays to repent for the sin of homosexuality then these "Christians" are lying to them and depriving them of the "truth that sets them free".
I remember when I was in the gay lifestyle-- I had a beautiful, bold Latina who came up to me and got in my face and told me if I was gay "I was a waste and I was in sin and going to Hell". This young woman's method of sharing the truth may have been blunt, harsh and straight up, but it WAS still the truth. When I was in the gay lifestyle I despised Christians, church, God, Jesus and anything to do with what the Christians referred as truth. So when this young woman spoke truth to me it hurt, it offended me, it troubled me, it made me angry, it challenged me, it contradicted what I had convinced myself was the way I believed...it spoke against my belief that I was "born gay".
The truth did set me free from so much deception, lies, illusion and delusion. Making Jesus Christ my personal Lord and Savior was the greatest gift I have ever received in my life. God transformed my life and everything that Christians ever tried to tell me about God's love and the reality of homosexuality being wrong finally made sense.
So the idea of a Gay Christian is an oxymoron-- like water and oil,,,it doesn't mix. It is like a superficial relationship with Jesus Christ versus a redemptive relationship with Jesus Christ because they repent of their sin and in doing so this would entitle that person to enter the kingdom of heaven.
I also desire to boldly address the Apostate Leaders of the Church (Pastors, Reverends, Priests (Leaders in the Church) who choose not to address the issue of homosexuality for fear of being called a "hater" or a "bigot"; or they water-down the Gospel; or they omit the scriptures that address how God feels about the issue of homosexual sin (an abomination in the eyes of God). This MUST stop.
Too many "feathers are being used (stroking folks and their sin with "The love of Jesus" alone) and they need to pull out the Sword of the Spirit and plunge into the root of the sin so that gays and lesbians can be set free and therefore transformed by the power of God (new creations in Christ Jesus - amen!), It is time for the church TO WAKE UP!
The world outside the four walls is in chaos and turmoil and if revival does come it won't be a Holy Ghost jig or a Holy Spirit goose bump, but rather a deep-seeded spiritual repentance-- weeping and travailing for the sins we have allowed to occurr on our watch. So as you can see...I am only one voice crying in the wilderness.
Please join with me and let us rise up together and sound a trumpet and let the blast of truth sound throughout the valleys of the world. God bless all of you my beloved brothers and sisters-- praise God that we have all overcome the homosexual lifestyle and who better to lead gays and lesbians out of the fires. Go in God's boldness, power and strength.
Much love, prayers and blessings. JAY" [Hudson.J. March 2015]
Be blessed and be a blessing - Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts