There will be many who want you to be their photo copy, created in their image and how your ... new creation should be look and act like. They will want you to hold their beliefs, faith, their understanding their tradition, theology and doctrines. Some may even want you to be compatible and or their personality type before they believe in you or even will to spend time to receive the totality of you and to add your understanding of The Word.
We all know that no one has the infallible interpretations of The Word but The Word Himself but we are to search and aspire to find the fullness of The Truth. If we are teachable and humble enough we will allow for differences of opinion and when we want to listen it means we want more, more understanding and then we are taught and trained by The Spirit of The Word who teaches us Truth. Truth is we can learn from everyone and or anyone and our borders can be enlarged or it may be that our tent pegs need taken back because we may just be wrong.
Don’t be harsh, don’t be so intellectual and don’t be so right that every one else is wrong but you, if your cup is full then there is no room for others. Wisdom looks at a glass half full not half empty and if you are willing to look you may learn something deeper than what you already know and have to give to others.
Like-mindedness does not mean that we should hold the exact same as another as we are to receive one another as brother and sisters in Christ and Love/love causes us to overlook doctrinal differences and personality differences and vision differences. Love will mature you and allow you to listen as one being taught allow you to trust in faith because it is not what you disagree with it is what can you and what can I learn."
Be blessed and be a blessing
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Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts