Strongholds Will Hinder Building The Future
Are we looking at the next two years or twenty years, are we building for our eternal future or just today? I am building for today, two years twenty years and for eternal years.
These blogs will remain for many many years - but first I have to start and put down a foundation and then build and so it is with the restoration process. Strongholds are the same, somewhere in our lives our carnal nature and powers of darkness have cemented foundations put up walls put in furniture hung curtains and built in systems of defence to maintain a house of homosexuality.
There is no power but God's power to demolish these carnal and spiritual buildings, His power is the only power that enables us to identify and pin point how this house was built. His power is the only power to enable us to build in His Spirit's house with new foundations, new walls, new systems of defence to bring us into a Spirit walk and into the real woman we were created to be.
Restoring the waste places, restoring our moral boundaries, restoring our personality, restoring our whole life is the way we demolish the fortified building of homosexuality. Embracing Him who is Able will build into us more and more of His material, His specifications and ultimately His Nature to be totally set free and to inherit the eternal He wills to build into our hearts.
Father, I surrender to your specifications of building, I ask for a building anointing for the rest of the days of my life that I may overcome and become the woman/man you have planned for me. I choose to allow you to build in Holy and Godly foundations even if that means sacrifice and pain for I agree with Your Nature Your Will and Your Ways. I come out of agreement with the old me and those things that have built the house of homosexuality and I agree with Your Word and surrender to allow You to build me in The Spirit for "unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain."
In Jesus Name Amen.
Be blessed and be a blessing
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Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - Releasing Hearts