Facing My Inner Pain
This is the 5th and last study in this series; sorry I have not been able to write any introduction as yet, but I will post if Jesus wills me to out of His Counsel and ministry to me. I am just facing some inner pain of a basic want for acceptance and emotional closeness, yet truly not sexual intimacy. I am working through this with Him so I am not in a clear "head space" to bring it all to together to share or do I even know if I am to share why I have taken off too high into a buried dead old flight cycle.
Please keep me in prayer and thankyou, be blessed with study 5 and be a blessing.
Love Kathleen
"Are We Believers or Disciples?
What’s the difference? And why does it matter? When Yeshua gave His commission to the apostles, it was to make disciples of all men, Baptising them AND “teaching them to OBSERVE ALL THINGS that I have COMMANDED you;” Matthew 28::18-20
Being a disciple is more than being a believer! Being a disciple involves following His example and observing all that He has commanded us. It is being in submission to Him and incorporating the lifestyle of the Master. On many occasions Yeshua shared with the multitudes in parables and ministered to their needs but it was only to the committed ones that He revealed the mysteries of the kingdom. The people thronged around Him, they hung on His every word, so that it is impossible for them to rest or to eat on many occasions and He seeks to come aside and rest. But still they follow.
Mark records an occasion where this happened, that as they sought to find a place of rest in a deserted place, the people followed them and continued with Him all the day. Moved with compassion for them, He fed them before dismissing them to go to their homes (Mark 6:30-44).
He had healed their sicknesses, and He even performed a miracle by multiplying the bread and the fish, so they would not have to go home hungry: but ultimately, He sent them away. In another instance the people stayed with Him for three days, again He taught them and performed many miracles and healings and fed them before He sent them away (Mark 8:1-10).
The people seemed intent upon following Him and yet He sends them away. Why did Yeshua spend time alone with His disciples, and yet He sent the multitude of believers away? John’s account of the feeding of the five thousand is insightful as to why He sends them away. John 6:14 tells us that the people saw the signs that Yeshua did, and exclaimed that He was “truly the Prophet who is come into the world.” They recognised Him as the Messiah! Then in verse 15, the people were even going to take Yeshua by force, and make Him their king (to drive out the Romans)
“When the people therefore saw that Yeshua was not there, nor His disciples, they also got into boats and came to Capernaum, seeking Yeshua. And when they found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, "Rabbi, when did You come here?" Yeshua answered them and said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.” John 6:24-26
Yeshua recognised their motivation! He saw them as sheep without a Shepherd and ministered to their needs, as a Son of the Father, but He knew what was in their hearts. They followed Him for what they could receive. They were caught up in the signs and wonders and miracles which He did. His Word was with power and they drank from the anointing of the Spirit upon Him. But what kind of seed were they?
Was the Word taking root in their heart and bringing forth fruit?
.... .... .... or was
the soil of their hearts shallow and infertile?
.... .... .... Were they
just seeking to have their immediate needs met?
What was the difference that caused Him to spend time with His disciples, while He sent the other believers away? Everyone that Yeshua called, He put to the test - He tested their motivation.
What was the disciples response when they followed Him?
When His ministry was just beginning, Yeshua called out to His disciples, who recognized His anointing, and they immediately left their vocations, in order to follow Him (Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 10:28-31; Luke 5:27-29). They were prepared to lay down their lives and serve Him. Like their father Avraham before them, the disciples left everything, in order to follow at YHWH’s word.
The disciples took care of things that Yeshua did not need to attend to. They were glad to do anything they could to help further their Master’s kingdom, no matter what it was. They did servile tasks, they expended themselves physically, they stayed the course whether the response was good and bad. They were prepared to endanger their lives and be outcasts from the system for His sake (Luke 18:28).
They gave their all!
So while both the believers and the disciples seem to have recognized Yeshua’s anointing, and while both the believers and the disciples seem to have desired to spend time with Yeshua, and learn from Him, it seems that the big difference was in their willingness to serve. The disciples gave everything they had for the privilege of helping their Master build His kingdom. They served YHWH with all of their heart, with all of their soul, and with all of their might. And, since they loved Him more than their lives, He spent time with them. In contrast, the believers all sought to get something from Him. They came to get healed, they came to get fed, and they came for free instruction. This is true even if they were not aware that such selfishness was their real motivation: that is how He saw it.
What is our motivation?
Are we seeking to have our needs met, to be healed, or to get some free instruction?Or have we come to a place where nothing really matters to us anymore but the desire to please Yeshua and to serve Him in every way possible for the rest of our lives? Or are we one of those who can say that He has taught in our streets and done many mighty acts in our midst, yet He will have to say “Depart from Me, I never knew you" (Luke 13:24-27; Matthew 7:21-23). We were in the crowd but not in personal, intimate relationship with Him!
For He sends His rain on the just and the unjust ... ... (Matthew 5:45) “YHWH executes righteousness and justice for those who are oppressed. He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.” Psalm 103:6-7
The demonstration of His power - His mighty acts, are for the believers; but the close intimate fellowship, are for those who become His disciples, who lay down their lives in service to and for Him and walk in His ways."1. [Hammond, Sep. 2012]
1. Hammond G. Excuses Against Discipleship Study 5 - Are We Believers or Disciples? [Bethal Ministries, P.O. Box 2291 Toowoomba, Queensland 4350, 2012]
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