I'm writing this blog to give my opinion, and it is just that, my opinion that does not line up with my biblical stance for I want to see grace abound over law. I am not afraid for I want to speak and hope the church community at large considers some of the reasons why I will be voting yes to same sex marriage.
To date we all know the customs and culture have shifted to what history records on biblical times. Today we have fought against accepted biblical slavery and seen it abolished and fought for women to have the right to vote and written why women can preach teach and be in authority over men. Today and rightfully so we should be voting as a church and as a community for homosexuals to have the right of equality and right of marriage and the right to be free to love.
As an Ex-homosexual and I minister on line, I have always given LGBTQ peoples their freedom. I have never held tight to having the correct interpretation of understanding or overcoming homosexuality, in my teachings or books. Or to what is biblical Truth as it is sought in a labyrinth of true and false doctrine and knowledge; once I had a Biblical view I could not eat prawns now I have a biblical view I can eat prawns.
Today I know it is just that, one's biblical view and how one comes down to interpretation with certain translations and how one hears and discerns Divine guidance. Yet this is the problem that arises, for how many different translations and versions are there? How many different interpretations are out there on the same topic and why is it we all have the same Holy Spirit who teaches us truth yet all come up with different doctrines and ideas get distorted?
Therefore, how can one uphold a doctrine wanting heterosexual living and heterosexual marriage only when there is around thirty thousand denominations, so many claiming they have the correct interpretations of scripture. Then around fifty different versions of the bible all claiming their version is the more accurate from the original inspired words of God?
Regardless of what laws says I say homosexuals are living and breathing creatures who are worthy of being a legitimate part of society who should be free to express themselves and have the taboo and stigma lifted off of them once and for all. A greater precent of the church has done so much damage to homosexual persons, treated them like lepers, like outcasts, forcing them out or removing them from their midst only to bring cause for them to return to the community they once left. When they should be welcomed and seen as part of the peoples of the prophecy of Isaiah 56, and the eunuch the intersex persons have as much right in the house of God as any other. Followers of Christ who are LGBTQ should be accepted and loved and to be seen as brothers and sisters who are beautiful, who are gifted and who hold great value and let the job of The Holy Spirit convict and to make them Christ's disciple lead them in the way everlasting.
I am saddened as a Christian than I ever was as a lesbian, the years of the alienation, and cruelness of doctrinal judgment of the peoples in the churches, this has to stop now. Shame on you Christians for treating me like the woman at the well by not allowing me to draw water with you at the acceptable hour when I had renounced lesbianism. Only to cause me to go in the midday sun alone or to meet with the other so called outcasts who did not follow your interpretations of Torah. Shame on you for making me feel not welcome to my face for I too am a sinner saved by grace, Christ having died for me and to free me from the curses of the law that were contributing building blocks for my attractions. My cup has to be cleaned from the inside as much as yours does!
Doctrine and theology separates in all arenas of Christianity, when the floor was open for free speech at the exodus conferences I attended I was always left till last. Just before I could speak their attendees were told their ministry allowed different teachings but were not in agreement with all ministries. I know it was an implication to my doctrinal stance of demons contributing to the formation of homosexuality. We as leaders in the ex-homosexual ministries cannot even agree with one another on the interpretations of the scripture and you won't find any of my books recommended by Exodus on their web pages.
Neither did I ever see my books recommended in any email I received from their newsletters. Freedom, protecting their flock and understood, yet I've mentioned for the purpose and point and crux of this blog for it is doctrinal doctrinal doctrinal difference. Who holds truth, can women preach and teach, can we eat pork and prawns, can homosexuals be committed married disciples of Christ, can transgender persons have reassignment surgery can they get married and be preachers, pastors and leaders? Is the eunuch referred to only as an intersex person or are the eunuchs the homosexual persons? The differences go on - Saturday worship No Sunday worship, you can divorce you can't divorce!!!
Today, I will use my freedom of speech for today after twenty years in bible study, I believe freedom is to be seen and a change has to come to make way for a new generation of people who will love their homosexual neighbour as themselves. Change has to allow the homosexual the freedom to serve Christ just as the Seventh Day Adventist, the Anglican, the Catholic, the Lutheran the Messianic Jew or the Charismatic do; and we know they cannot agree with each other on the interpretation of The Scriptures so why exclude the Progressive church of homosexual Christians. Truth can be found if one commits to the search.
I do not believe we can hold up one sacred text to this nation whose peoples are free not to live by its instructions or guidelines in righteous living. We cannot make a nation fit any religious text by holding up a book saying thus saith this Holy Sacred Text., other wise the Koran will have power.
Neither can we tell any group of people they have no significance or worth or treat any group of people as beneath and other groups as above. Love is a basic human need, it is their fundamental right as a human beings to love according to their same-sex attraction, hence to marry. After all every nth degree screams within them “I’m same-sex attracted, I am a homosexual, I am a woman in a man's body or I'm a man in a woman' s body.”
I do not believe that any denomination or person can lay claim that their understanding of scripture is correct or totally accurate. How can a peoples enforce homosexuals with no equality or say homosexual marriage can not be accepted today in the world when the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this age are separate; and Satan and his spirits are spoken of quiet clearly throughout the New Testament and have taken captive people into darkness.
Some say the first five books were given to Moses directly from God others say they were revelations of what Moses heard from God and others say chosen ones were allowed to put their interpretation and understanding on what God said to Moses to bring forth the oral traditions, the Mishnah, it having a book called the Talmud which interprets and comments on the Mishnah. These books are seen as equal to the bible, yet they are rabbinical interpretations of what they thought God was saying to Moses and how a Jews custom and culture should be.
Yet ask any Jew and you will get a thousand opinions and around what you can do on the Sabbath, what you can eat, what you can call God, what gender can be a Rabbi and what gender cannot. I was invited to a new moon celebration once and I was forbidden to pray out loud because I would not cover my head with cloth, none of these women were Jews, they just held their doctrinal views, and the belief women should wear head coverings.
I believe Jesus addressed this in His day challenging the interpretations of scripture. Through my studies in every mention of a woman or to a woman by Jesus I believe He is dispelling rabbinic interpretation and tradition, emancipating them from under the weight of doctrinal bondage. It is the same today everyone has their tradition and interpretations of scripture and none of us really know who is correct and who is not and none of us are seeing Jesus face to face to dispel tradition or our interpretations.
So what doctrine are you going to hold up as wrong or right, especially when we see so many learned so many lay persons not in agreement with one another. Think about this: Moses was given from God a law that divorce was not permissible, yet Moses allowed it because of the hardness of their hearts. So in that train of thought why not today allow homosexuals to marry even if one believes it is not permissible by God. If I was a Moses of today I would allow homosexuals to marry and to hold positions of authority in churches. Maybe there are Moses of today and we are so focused on law instead of grace not allowing the hardness of their hearts freedom to be and freedom to marry and worship Christ Jesus that we have robbed people of their freedom in Christ?
If homosexuals fully believe that is their faith, then they have the freedom to let it be according to their faith, after all the Lutherans have the correct interpretations of scripture don’t they? No they don’t, no more than the Catholic Mary worshippers or the charismatic signs and wonders movements. Lutherans declare adamantly they have the correct interpretations of scripture, yet they forbid women to preach and teach when it is very evident that they can. Too many denominations want to dictate, and say follow us we hold the truth and nothing but the truth, and its like this - if you won't we cannot allow you to be a member, this is breaking so many commandments while they judge with the plank in their own eye!
I’ve changed my mind of late, I now believe Christian homosexuals should be free to live by their convictions as I am free to hold my doctrinal view. Free to live by their views of the Bible, I believe they should be free to marry if that is their biblical interpretation. My biblical view says a homosexual lifestyle is sin, not the orientation but I think God is wrong not to allow homosexuals freedom to be and freedom to marry when He allows the eunuch and or the intersex to marry and have reassignment surgery.
I am going to look again into the doctrine of the Eunuch and discern if there is a way of grace I have overlooked, if homosexuals are included as if a eunuch. I might add, I take God to task often over the subject of homosexuality and gay marriage. So I am hoping just like I once believed I could not eat prawns or pork and I now do, I am rethinking and re-evaluating my belief and stance that I may have not seen that grace may abound than the seven laws forbidding homosexual sex.
In the real world I believe no one cannot enforce someone to be a follower of Jesus Christ no more than one can enforce consenting adults to not have sex outside of marriage. Exclusive rights to what gender can marry declaring perfection or worthiness is disregarding the realness of homosexuality and their love. What percentage of examples do we have from all the sociologists that show heterosexuality is next to godliness and perfection? There is much wrong in the marital and parental heterosexual world as will be seen in the homosexual world. I hope that normalizing homosexuality and rights to marriage will take away much stigma and shame and psychological damage from the church and hetero for the children and the children to come in the future.
I am challenged mentally by a lot of people in the church who are speaking against homosexuals when they have never had any homosexual desire ever! How would they like having to try to change to homosexuality for the sake of the cross or if God said you now have to die daily die to what seems natural to yourself? It is challenging alright, why doesn’t the heterosexual Christian understand the homosexual Christian and get on with one another and love each another and realize to God they will both stand in the freedom of interpretation. When in my reality I believe there are seducing spirits at every bend in the labyrinth lying to us on what the bible actually says and what is God’s will and way of worship. We are all trying to find the way of worship and to this we are free and have freedom to do so and express and write views for and views for against.
Having said above, how do we capture a screenshot of God’s will when we have the Seventh-day Adventists the Charismatic the Catholics the Messianic Jews the Lutherans the Anglicans and on it goes. How does one capture the accurate will of Christ and the interpretation of the sacred text The Holy Bible in regards to homosexual love or homosexual marriage when laws are breached by the people of faith in old testament and when versions differ and when none of the denominations are in full agreement and or seem to have it right anyway?
So how can one use only parts of the bible when curses have caused a rewiring of one to want to cleave to the same sex! Who is right, none of us have the exclusive interpretation of scripture and again recall Moses allowed divorce having been told by God it was not permissible and King David and King Solomon had multiple wives having married several times under custom breaking laws of God.
With the child Samuel, the priest Eli breached a law receiving him to trained as the next priest who was not from the tribe of Levi. Also God prohibited the Jews from intermingling and intermarrying with Moabites (Ezra 9:10-12). Jesus Christ’s lineage is from a breach of law of inter marriage for “Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab (a Moabite), Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth (who was not a Jew), Obed the father of Jesse.” Jesus has 5 scandalous women in His lineage, so how could He be so hung up on homosexual love; He made foreigners His children and reconciled with His enemies and welcomes the eunuch as they are born or as they are after reassignment surgery. By the way, Samuel was from the tribe of Levi, yet you thought I was right! This is the issue with people in the church, they read, they listen at church and most do not do their own individual studies to refute what they read or what they heard.
It was also permissible for King David to have several wives under custom not law and for one man King Solomon to have 300 concubines and 700 wives under custom. Outrageous, and one has to ask were they Solomon's wombs to breed a race of Hebrews. Solomon probably got into the pearly gates? So after all, maybe God would not hold it against the LGBTQ Christians if custom could allow homosexuals to be and to marry and be committed Christians. Neither of these men could be given a trophy for being the best heterosexual dad. Being children of kings have various affects on children also, they can be considered fatherless having been raised by servants.
Regardless of Bible truths, I believe homosexuals in our nation are to be given equality, rights and freedom especially to marry like heterosexuals marry, given freedom like Moses gave divorce the heads up. We see grace is all through the Bible and as listed above. I want to believe redemption is for the active homosexual and maybe God will not mind after all homosexuals getting married and serving Him. Why can't homosexuals enter into the next realm when the thief on the cross got accepted in his last breath? I will be entering the pearly gates with dormant homosexual desire and or same sex attraction.
Just because I have had healing, deliverance and found the knowledge of my causations, and the fear of hell, and truth of scripture and the power of The Holy Spirit keeps this homosexual lust dormant does not negate that many a time I wish I could resurrect what's remnant and live as a married homosexual. I have yet to research the big deal on homosexual Christians entering into life thereafter when the thief got in on his death bed, and it appears he went into paradise having come from living an unsanctified life.
If there is neither Jew nor gentile, slave nor free, male nor female and we are all one and no marriage in heaven and what is it with entering in having been given grace with homosexual sin? I might mention here King David on his dying death bed was given a young woman to lay beside him, when he had how many wives that could have laid with him to keep him warm and comfort him and he got into the pearly gates, he is a Prince in the next realm! If custom is ok in the bible then why can't custom be ok today.
Anyway, when the rubber hits the road, individually Christians will stand before Christ for how we understood the scriptures, not because pastor or minister or priest so and so said. Homosexual Christians will stand before The Christ they follow as much as the Catholic the Charismatic the Lutheran or the Baptist will. So I am going to put down my arms against the homosexual Christians and give them their right to be free to interpret free to serve Christ accordingly as do these others. I am going to trust the infallible Word of God will be understood by both them and myself before we die.
I believe homosexual Christians have the right to believe they are justified as followers of The Bible. I see them as our brothers and sisters and we should love them as our neighbour as we love our Lutheran Catholic Baptist or Charismatic fellow human beings. I hope like myself we all test and approve the doctrines we believe and live so as to not only inherit the blessings today but in the New Jerusalem.
I do not believe at present we should allow Jesus Christ to be the Prime Minister or the Secretary for the decision of same sex marriage when it is a vote for the community who have freedom of speech and religious beliefs. Freedom must be upheld on this level, we do not as a community have the right over consenting adults to demand they refrain from homosexuality or forbid them to want to marry a life long partner.
Homosexual believers have the freedom to test and to prove the bible and to seek and homosexuals can search religions of the world for truth of the supernatural realms. Then come to a conclusion on what to believe and how to live by and what they have understanding and revelation on. If they have come to a conclusion as a homosexual or a professing homosexual Christian wanting to be a married homosexual then they are no different to the Seventh-day Adventist. They are no different to the Charismatic or the Messianic Jew or the Lutheran or the Catholic or the Anglican who uphold their doctrines as accurate. I do not see them as the JW or Mormon cults, and maybe the members in those denominations will inherit eternal life?
Who has enough status and exclusiveness or rights on the interpretation of scriptures. Who on the earth hold the true interpretations of scriptures, the inspired words of God when evidence reveals the discrepancy of doctrine theology and revelation of the written words from the multiplicity of versions and the differing translations of the Bible in the earth today. To me it comes down to how I glorify God and Jesus Christ as an individual and live accordingly to my understanding on what scriptures intent is to me on how to worship Jesus.
If people in denominations are free to live by the convictions of their heart by the convictions of their churches revelation of The Holy Bible, then so should the homosexual person or homosexual Christian church live by their conviction and revelation of interpretation of the scriptures and the Christ they have met personally.
That is the freedom we should be upholding, and to give each other the right to believe and live according to their understanding of scripture and Christ Jesus and let their own pursuit of truth be where Jesus Christ meets them via His Holy Spirit to untwist or renew or add to their understanding of being His follower instead of policing and enforcing our Jesus or our doctrines on them.
Homosexuals are free and the proclivity of homosexuality is real and I believe we cannot take a peoples of the earth and make them subordinate under a bible, we cannot under any sacred text. Neither can we under the banner of heterosexuality try and make them conform to that way of life when the author of the Holy Bible reveals transgressions bring curses and reveals He gives mankind free will to believe in other religions on the earth and at that to sin – act and be.
However He expects all peoples to use their intelligence and freedom that is freely given to seek to see if He is real. To question if He is the Saviour and Creator of mankind who will one day answer to “what did you do about Jesus whilst on the earth”?
In the democratic nation and society we live here in Australia, I want to keep it that way and let not a sacred book or a religion or a denomination make a decision on this issue of equal opportunity or on the issue of homosexuals wanting to be married and passed as a government law. I want to continue to see the freedom of speech upheld, I want to continue to allow peoples of this nation to speak their minds on yes for same-sex marriage or no for same-sex marriage or yes for LGBTQ rights or no for LGBTQ rights, this is the freedom I vote for, this is the reason why I'm voting YES to same-sex marriage - let everyone be free!!!